Friday, July 13, 2012

Depression In The Workplace

In Australia alone, more than one million people experience depression, anxiety or disorders through substance abuse each year. One in five people suffer from depression and this is carried into the workplace. Did you know that depression is second only to heart-related illness in Australia?

Around 80% of depression sufferers indicated that they were functionally impaired because of depression. 27% reported serious difficulties at work as well as at home. Only 29% of depression sufferers in Australia sought professional mental assistance and of those with severe depression about 39% sought assistance of any kind.

Depression costs 200 million lost workdays each year and $17 to $44 billion in Australia alone. It is one of the most common of all mental health problems.

Research shows that rates of depression vary by occupation and industry type. Among full-time workers aged 18 to 64 years, the highest rates of workers experiencing a major depressive episode in the past year were found in the personal care and service occupations (10.8%) and the food preparation and serving related occupations (10.3%). Oddly those occupations that experienced the lowest rate of depression were engineering, architecture and surveying (4.3%); life, physical and social science (4.4%); installation, maintenance and repair (4.4%).

In three months alone, depressed employees miss 4.8 workdays and suffer 11.5 days of decreased productivity. In a well functioning workplace, the organisation protects and supports mental health and encourages employees to seek help for depression and anxiety for the benefit of the individual as well as the organisation.

What is Depression

Depression is characterised by changes in thinking, mood or behaviour and can affect anyone. Some of the factors affecting depression include genetics, physiology, psychology, gender and the environment. However, in the workforce, it is more complex and is not properly understood. What is understood is that both work and non-work factors cause depression in workplaces.

Several job stressors can contribute to depression in the workplace. These include high job demands, low job control and lack of social support at work. There is a need to understand organisational practices so as to decrease job stress and aspects of roles and their structures that contribute to poor mental health, enabling interventions to be developed to target these risk factors in the workplace. Workplaces have a significant impact on the mental health of staff through job design and workplace culture.

Depression is a real medical and social problem and its effects stretch across the boundaries of work and recreation. The World Health Organisation and the World Bank rank depression as the fourth leading cause of death and disability. It is the leading cause of non-fatal disability. By 2020, given the rising rate among young people, the lack of preventative programs and poor access to treatments, it will be second only to cardiovascular disease.

Many employers realise the importance of staff retention and motivation in creating a harmonious work environment, but in today's climate it is also important to monitor the well being of staff. Depression and anxiety now accounts for approximately one third of all claims for income protection insurance and almost 50% of associated costs.

A lack of awareness and understanding in the workplace leads to difficult situations which may arise from prolonged absence or excessive sick-leave. With the correct awareness and support in place to remove the stigma associated with depression, the expense from both a financial and emotional perspective can potentially be avoided

Depression is more than just a low mood - it's a serious illness. While we all feel sad, moody or low from time to time, some people experience these feelings intensely, for long periods of time and often without reason. People with depression find it hard to function every day and may be reluctant to participate in activities they once enjoyed.

Are there different types of depression?

Different types of depression often have slightly different symptoms and may require different treatments. The five main types of depression are listed below.

* Major depression - a depressed mood that lasts for at least two weeks. This may also be referred to as clinical depression or unipolar depression.

* Psychotic depression - a depressed mood which includes symptoms of psychosis. Psychosis involves seeing or hearing things that are not there (hallucinations), feeling everyone is against you (paranoia) and having delusions.

* Dysthymia - a less severe depressed mood that lasts for years.

* Mixed depression and anxiety - a combination of symptoms of depression and anxiety.

* Bipolar disorder - (formerly known as manic depressive illness) - involves periods of feeling low (depressed) and high (manic).

Is Depression Common?

Yes. In Australia alone, one million adults and 100,000 young people live with depression each year. On average, one in six people will experience depression in their lifetime - one in five females and one in eight males.

What are the Signs and Symptoms?

Although no two people will experience this illness in exactly the same way, there are common signs of depression. In the workplace, a person with depression will start to exhibit any number of the following signs:

Personal changes

* Irritability/hostility
* Withdrawal from, or extreme dependence, on others
* Hopelessness/despair
* Slowness of speech
* Chronic fatigue
* Alcohol/drug abuse

Workplace changes

* Difficulty in making decisions
* Decreased productivity
* Inability to concentrate
* Decline in dependability
* Unusual increase in errors in work
* Being prone to accidents
* Frequent tardiness, increased "sick" days
* Lack of enthusiasm for work

Someone who has been experiencing several of these signs for more than a few weeks should seek help.

It's important to note that you can't always identify the cause of depression nor change troubling circumstances. The most important thing is to recognise the depression and to seek help. Remember, the sooner you get treatment, the greater the chance of a faster recovery.

Workplaces that have better communication and that allow their employees greater flexibility and control have fewer instances of depression.

The Advice, Conciliation, and Arbitration Scheme (Acas) of the UK advises that the way in which jobs are structured has significant impact on the levels of stress and depression in the workforce. Acas suggests a number of measures that all businesses should consider. Employees should be:

* able to see how their output makes a valuable contribution to the organisation.
* given as much variety in the tasks they do, the speed they take to complete the work, their work styles and the place in which they work if possible.
* given regular performance feedback as uncertainty of performance is a major stress factor.
* given ownership of their responsibilities.
* given learning and problem solving opportunities.

All types of people suffer from depression and it is important to note that though it is debilitating, it is not unconquerable. According to Sally Burton, chief executive of UK charity the Shaw Trust "Avoiding recruiting or supporting employees with mental health conditions isn't an option, supporting your workforce is, and will pay dividends in terms of increasing productivity, improving performance and retention, garnering talent and shaping future leaders, helping you to retain a competitive edge."

In 2010 the Shaw Trust carried out a survey investigating attitudes to mental health problems in the workplace. Their findings showed that 42% of employers still underestimated the prevalence of mental health problems in their organisation. On the other hand, 90% of managers stated that they would be happy discussing mental health issues with an employee. This is good as it shows that changes in the workplace could be the key to reversing the epidemic of depressive illness.

This news article is brought to you by INTERNET-MARKETING - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

How To Be A Friend To Someone In Depression

Trying to understand what is going on in the mind of someone in depression is the first step. Reading articles, books, watching documentaries can all help you understand a little more about the illness.

Of course the best place to begin is having been through it yourself. That is a privileged position because you already know exactly how terrible and painful it feels to be in depression.

That doesn't mean to say you should talk about your own experience of depression. This is always tempting. To bring the conversation to yourself and begin offering advice.

However what someone in depression really needs is simply for you to come alongside them. To accompany them in their vulnerability. To listen. To remain silent. Not to interrupt. To be there.

It's an extremely demanding thing to be a friend to someone in depression. Patience is the number one rule.

The temptation is to assume that there will be some form of progress since last you met but depression is a long term illness. Visible signs of relief are rare and can come and go like the wind.

Asking questions can be a burden for the suffering friend. There is already enough going on inside her head which needs releasing in one way or other. To answer questions just adds to the weight of thoughts pounding away.

Going for a silent walk in nature can be a real help. Sharing the scenes, the scents and the exercise. Then returning home for a cup of tea, again without questioning. Answering only when asked. Just being there.

Rather than ask "what can I do to help", as you visit someone at their home, just pick up the cloth and begin cleaning the kitchen. Fold any clothes. Empty the laundry basket and put on a machine load. Take out the ironing board and just begin these practical tasks.

Some people may be offended but on the whole, the relief of such tasks being taken off the shoulders of the depressed friend will be huge.

Someone in depression will find it extremely hard asking or accepting help. That's why it's important just to get on with it.

Bring a hot meal around with you, or a home-made cake. Bring something practical to make their life easier.

People often think of bringing a book but be careful what you choose. The sufferer will have a hard time concentrating so make it a coffee table book with photos or pictures. Those in depression can cope with only few words at a time.

This news article is brought to you by ASTROLOGY - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Three Things to Not Do If You Are Going Through a Group Stalking Experience

Stalking can affect anyone, regardless of gender, age, race, socio-economic status or geographic location. According to data in the United States, 1 in 12 women and 1 in 45 men will be stalked in their lifetime. However, most stalking cases go unreported for various reasons, so the numbers are probably a good degree higher than reported.

It's important to mention this because one of the side effects of group stalking is the tendency for a victim to blame him or her self. They may begin to believe that they must be a bad person, or at least a generally unlikable person, or have a particular psychological profile. None of this may be true.

Throughout my research what has become clear is that victims of group stalking harassment are typically normal people who have become "targeted" for some reason or another. In my own personal case, I simply asked a friend for a short break from the friendship. She has proven over and over again over the years that I had good cause for pulling back.

The good news is that group stalking is a guilt-free situation, so you are free to stop blaming yourself. What is important right now is that you regain your sense of well-being, self confidence and hope for the future. This is easier said than done when your every moment may be compromised by the group that is stalking you. But take heart, it is possible.

Here I am going to give you three things that you can put into action right now that will begin to give you relief if you are suffering from criminal group harassment.

1. Do Not Engage

This is the most important thing I can tell you to do. The main goal you have before you is to break the circuit of energy between yourself and the group of stalkers, and to redirect your energy towards nourishing yourself and to those who do support you. Your survival depends on your willingness to take responsibility for your reactions and emotions.

Everything the group stalkers are doing, they are doing in order to extract emotional response from you. Every attempt will be made to "break" you psychologically. With the information the perpetrators have gathered, they may think they have a chance to carry this out, but once you know the game and have found tools and techniques for preserving sanity, there is no reason to succumb to either mental breakdown or suicide.

Starving them of your emotional and physical response will cause them to be exerting a tremendous amount of resources and energy to no avail. This is hard at first, but only because of what you are doing with your thoughts and your mind. Your thoughts bring about your emotions. So while it's hard at first, you must learn to be calm and take your mind off of them and their antics, and put it onto what you do want to experience in your life.

Think about friendships you have had for a moment. What happens when you don't respond to a friend's phone calls or invitations? They eventually fall away. They fall away because there is no energy flowing from you to them. The same principle is in operation here, but it may take longer. In my experience, the group will escalate their efforts initially. They feed off of your reactions and feel success when they can evoke any response or attention from you. They are not going to give up easily, and there is power in their numbers. But if there is no physical threat, than there really is no reason to give them any thought at all.

Think of them as gnats. Annoying, yes, but would you go into a state of anxiety or fear if a gnat were circling about you? You do not need to do anything that you would not normally do. They are not going to go away because of any action you take towards them, and you will give them further ammunition. But you can dissolve the situation by withdrawing all of your emotional energy from them.

2. Don't Talk About the Situation

It may be necessary for you to talk about the group stalking if you are in counseling, but even there I would recommend discussing solutions and keep away from discussion of the details of the harassment. To friends and family, make no mention. Again, your thoughts control your emotions, and your emotions control your health and sanity.

You want to avoid giving them any of what I call Mind Share. In other words, no matter what is going on around you, you are in control of your mind, and once you realize that, you will find more and more power in the situation. There are many techniques that I go into in my book in order to accomplish a clear mind that is free of thoughts of the problem, and you will probably need all of them and more. It's a real accomplishment to take your mind from something that is out picturing in front of you consistently, but it can be done.

Words are extremely powerful. In fact, every word has a vibrational frequency to it. It's been proven scientifically that positive words like love, gratitude, joy, enthusiasm, passion, etc, have much more power than the negative ones, so that is good. Create a diet of words like this for yourself. Using them will empower you. If somebody asks you how your day is going, it's tempting to talk about the reality before you, but there is a greater reality within you, and words can express that reality. Here is an example of how you can turn around your verbal responses:

"Today when I woke up my neighbors were watching my every move and as I drove down the street, I saw at least 2 group stalkers watching me."

Try changing that to:

"Today when I woke up I began to think of everything that I have to be grateful for. I am passionate about my work, I love my family. Every day above ground is a fantastic day, and I am happy to be alive."

Even if you don't feel that way at first, keep saying words like that. In the program of Alcoholics Anonymous they have a saying, "fake it until you make it." It's an excellent strategy and it works, so act "as if" and talk "as if." Things will get better and better.

The real trick here is getting the emotions to line up with the words, which I will get into in an upcoming article. But for now, get your words in alignment with how you actually want to feel.

3. Do Not Read or Collect Information About How Bad It Is

While I believe that you need to be informed about what is happening to you, the only reason you want to get that information is so that you can begin creating a solution for yourself. So read enough to understand the problem, but then go about finding solutions.

When I found the first web site on group stalking and began reading about it on the internet, I was somewhat relieved to gain some understanding of what was happening to me. I read everything because I wanted to be informed and educated. But I soon noticed that nobody out there was offering solutions. That discouraged me a great deal and I felt defeated. But I began seeking my own solutions. And I have gone from feeling despair, hopelessness and exhaustion to feeling great almost every day and feeling powerful within myself.

It's a long hard road, there is no doubt, and I would be lying if I said that I never had a bad day, but who doesn't? And I have discovered tools and solutions that I can put to use immediately to turn it around when that happens.

I've seen much talk on the internet of group stalking being a program of state-sponsored torture, persecution and murder; part of an invisible war waged against individuals and the civil rights of "The People." To ponder such things is a waste of time and energy. Who and why are not important. What is important is that you survive it and begin to live the life you are here to live. You do have a purpose here. Discover what gifts and talents you have to give to the world and put your attention there.

I really can't stress this enough. The more you steep in how bad the situation is, the worse it will seem, and I guarantee you, it will expand. Start looking for solutions. Expand on those things that help you. Over the centuries there have been so many injustices to humanity, and this is certainly one of them. But think about how many have been overcome. And it simply takes a small change in your perspective. Look at what Mohatma Ghandi accomplished. One man freed an entire nation. One man! I know in my heart that if he could do it, that those of us suffering from group stalking can find a way to overcome this injustice in our society.

So in conclusion, take heart. Be bold, be courageous. Have unwavering faith. Goethe said that boldness has genius and power in it. Let it be so in your life. Start thinking about solutions instead of the problem. Do what you need to do in order to get through each day in a healthy state of mind.

I love you, thank you for joining me, MJ

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Monday, July 9, 2012

Natural Depression Remedies

The idea of finding natural depression remedies is not new. It's been around for approximately a bazillion years (give or take a zillion). As miserably debilitating as depression can be, for some people, the side effects associated with antidepressants can be nearly as bad.

The Italian philosopher, Cicero, wrote, "The competent physician, before he attempts to give medicine to the patient, makes himself acquainted not only with the disease, but also with the habits and constitution of the sick man." That statement alone might indicate why he was able to get away with listing his profession as "philosopher" on his tax returns!

You already know the "constitution" of the person suffering from depression. There is, for lack of a better term, a heaviness of spirit that accompanies depression. You feel despondent, tired, uninterested in life and have difficulties concentrating and sleeping. It's a desperate feeling.

Depression may be triggered by outside events, such as grief or illness. Or it may strike from out of the blue, leaving you to wonder how you won this horrific, genetic lottery.

To find the natural depression remedies that are right for you, start with examining your preexisting lifestyle habits. Too often, people take better care of their cars than themselves.

Caffeine is Not High-Octane Fuel

Are you running on caffeine? While you may think that caffeine is the only thing keeping you going, it is more likely dragging you down.

Caffeine addiction can interfere with your normal moods. It can make you jittery and cause sleep disruptions. It's a vicious cycle. You consume caffeine so you will be alert. You eventually crash. You consume more caffeine. You can't fall asleep at night. Guess what you reach for the following morning. It's a relationship based on lies!

Start by cutting back on caffeine, to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

Scrap the Junk Food

Diet is one of the easiest depression remedies to implement. People with diets high in vegetables, fruits and fish report fewer instances of depression. People with diets high in processed foods, fried foods, and unhealthy desserts report higher instances of depression.

It doesn't take a "rocket surgeon" to deduce that healthy is good and unhealthy is bad. Some of the best natural remedies are going to be found in the produce section.

Put the Pedal to the Metal

No, don't go for some dangerous joyride, but do put on sneakers and engage in some exercise. When you are depressed, every fiber of your being wants to sit on the couch or lie in bed with the blankets pulled over your head. That is one of the worst things you can do, if you are serious about finding natural remedies for depression.

Regular aerobic exercise lifts your spirits. Don't let the word "aerobic" scare you. No spandex is required. You may not be able to think about joining a dance class right now, but you can force yourself to take a brisk walk.

This news article is brought to you by ATTRACTION - where latest news are our top priority.

Homeopathy For Depression

If you find yourself agreeing with the founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, that conventional medicine can do more harm than good, then perhaps it's time for you to turn to homeopathy depression remedies.

It is a modern misnomer that homeopathy simply refers to any natural form of treating a malady. Homeopathy, which has been around since the 1790s, is based on the belief that "like cures like".

In the words of Samuel Hahnemann, "The highest ideal of cure is the speedy, gentle and enduring restoration of health by the most trustworthy and least harmful way." It's difficult to find fault with that statement!

There's No Place Like the Homeopath's

If you are interested in using homeopathy for depression, schedule an appointment with a homeopathic practitioner. If you don't know where to begin, try asking your friends at your local health food store to recommend someone or perform an internet search on the term, "homeopath".

Homeopathy is where the Art Is

Homeopathic depression remedies are considered to be safe and free from side effects. This is a pleasant change from the side effects that can result taking antidepressants.

Many people now consider homeopathy to be a good trade for side effects associated with some prescription medications.

If you do choose to see a doctor of homeopathy for your depression, you might be pleasantly surprised to discover that much emphasis is placed on determining the underlying cause of your depression. You will not be given a Pez dispenser full of one-size-fits-all pills.

Homeopathic practitioners work on the "minimal dose" premise. You will be given the lowest possible dose the practitioner believes will stimulate your body to heal itself. Homeopathy for depression does not seek to zap each symptom with harsh pharmaceuticals.

Homeopathy, Sweet Homeopathy

Your doctor of homeopathy will make careful note of your specific symptoms.

Here's a brief list of some homeopathy depression treatments:

* Arsencium album is a commonly prescribed homeopathy remedy for depression. It is used for anxiety and people with unrealistic expectations.

* Calcarea carbonic is used for people who are feeling overwhelmed.

* Argentum niticum, or silver nitrate, is used for people experiencing nervousness, grief, agitation and fear.

* Natrum muriatidcum is prescribed as a homeopathy remedy when the person is experiencing sleeplessness and nervousness.

* Causticum is used for people who a experiencing overwhelming emotions that accompany grief. Your homeopathy depression remedies will be tailor made to fit your needs. What a novel approach!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

What's The Best Superfood For Healing Depression?

I've known for a long time that Maca powder is a powerful 100% natural and non-pharmaceutical treatment for depression, but I hadn't seen any research on it until recently. I wanted to share some promising findings in this article about how Peruvian Maca can help stabilize emotions.

Depression Stats, Treatments and Causes

In 2008 the World Health Organization estimated that about 121 million people suffer from depression worldwide. In industrialized countries maca depression like the US, depression effects around 7% of the adult population. And depression among children is increasing.

The traditional treatments for depression include counseling, therapy and pharmaceutical drugs. Alternative treatments such as exercise and nutritional improvements are gaining popularity.

One of the most recent theories regarding the worldwide prevalence of depression is that it is in part caused by a lack of nutrition. This is where Maca for depression comes in. Maca powder is an incredible nutritional powerhouse with nearly all amino acids, 10 vitamins, 12 minerals, 23 fatty acids as well as several unique glucosinolates.

The Scientific Evidence on Maca For Depression

I've been hearing about the mood elevating properties of Maca powder from customers and friends for the past 8 years, so I'm sure that there's something to the practice of using Maca to reduce depression. But digging a little further I found that a couple of scientific studies have confirmed these personal experiences.

In 2008 5 researches from a hospital in Australia studied a group of women for 12 weeks. One group was given 3.5 grams of Maca powder per day, while the other group was give a placebo. At the end of the trail the researchers reported, "... significant reduction in scores in the areas of psychological symptoms, including the subscales for anxiety and depression and sexual dysfunction after Maca consumption." The researchers conclude that Maca is indeed effective for treating psychological symptoms like anxiety and depression.

Another study published in 2006 treated mice with depression over a 21 day period using Red, Black and Cream colored Maca roots. They discovered that while Black Maca helped improve cognitive function the most, all colors of Maca were helpful for depression.

Who Should Use Maca For Depression

Based on all my research and experience Maca powder is a great natural alternative for alleviating depression for anyone suffering from a light level of the disorder. Chronic and severe depression may require a more comprehensive treatment and intervention. Here's a list of depression symptoms that Maca might help:

  • postpartum depression (often nutrient related - Maca is safe while breastfeeding)
  • dysthymia - low level depression
  • anxiety
  • low energy
  • lack of motivation

How Much Maca To Take For Depression

Taking Maca for depression falls into a therapeutic usage of Maca and that means dosage levels should be consistent over a long period of time (At least one month). My recommendation for an adult of 150lb (65 kg) is to take 3-4 teaspoons (8-12 grams) of organic Maca powder daily.

Also keep in mind that it may take several weeks up to a couple of months for Maca to provide the benefits you are looking for. Maca is a powerful food, but takes time to work. The good news in this, though, is that Maca has no side effects, has many other benefits and can lead to permanent reversal of depression.

This news article is brought to you by FOOD AND DRINKS NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Herbal Remedies For Sadness

Emotions are a big part of us. They are part of being human. If we can't feel sadness and grief then we would kill each other for profit without any remorse whatsoever. Emotions is what makes us human, and what differentiates us from wild animals. However not all emotions are wanted in specific times. We don't want to feel sad when we are working. We don't want to feel happy when we lost someone. Emotional feelings that prevent productivity are often called negative emotions. Sadness that comes to our lives without any warning or any event nor reason isn't wanted.

Sadness due to seasonal change can happen. There are people who get sad due to bad weather and absence of sunlight. These often happen during the winter time. This is how powerful our emotions are. We can suddenly get depressed just because we don't see any sunlight. A great natural remedy for this is sad soother. Sad soother contains homeopathic ingredients designed to combat such change in people's emotional state. Sad soother is designed to specifically target emotional depression or sadness that is caused by seasonal change. This seasonal change that causes sadness is often called seasonal affective disorder and many Americans are suffering from such effect.

There are many types of natural herbal remedies for sadness. They are very effective at alleviating the doom and gloom type of feeling. A natural herbal ingredient to cure depression and sadness is Ignatia amara. This ingredient comes from a tree that is mostly found in the Philippines, which has been proven by Doctors and Psychologists to be able to cure strong feelings of grief and depression. This natural herbal ingredient is very effective and most homeopathic remedies have it as an ingredient. Homeopathic remedies are often frowned upon by the medical field but lately Doctors from different parts of the Earth are providing evidence and scientific tests that concludes there is a basis and a foundation for homeopathy that homeopathic medicine does in fact work and are very effective.

Nat sulph is also another natural herbal ingredient that is very effective at relieving depression, sadness and grief. This herb is best suited to people that tend to cry and get easily emotional in movies and theatres. This natural herbal remedy is very effective also and very popular. Homeopathic remedies that relieves sadness and grief should have Nat Sulph.

Natural herbal remedies have come a long way. They were once treated as baloney and shunned away by the medical community but as new technology comes, more and more license Doctors and medical experts have come to conclude that natural herbal remedies does work. Natural herbal remedies are safe, non-addictive and very easy to use. They are a good alternative to prescription drugs with severe adverse effects. Rather than using prescription drugs and dealing with the adverse effects these drugs have, people should try natural herbal remedies first. There is really no reason for not trying them since they are very cheap, very effective and the popularity of natural herbal remedies or homeopathic medicine is becoming more and more popular.

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